
Expanding Financial Acumen: A Guide for Non-Finance Managers |

January 27, 202413 min read


How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business | MoneyMasterHQ.<br>com

Being a Non-Finance Manager, Business Owner, or Entrepreneur, one might be intimidated by the mere thought of complex financial concepts. However, a basic understanding of finance is essential to achieve organizational goals and drive business success. This Blog Post emphasizes how non-financial managers can improve their financial literacy and contribute to their organization's financial success. With the help of valuable tips and reputable finance resources, this Blog Post guides businesses in making informed financial decisions. Mastering financial concepts and maintaining financial acuity is vital for leaders to make sound decisions that safeguard their businesses and propel them towards better returns on investment.

With over 18 years of experience in finance and accounting, including 11+ years as a CFO / VP of Finance, I've had the opportunity to work closely alongside numerous non-finance managers and business owners in various industries. 

Witnessing the consequences of ill-informed financial decisions has shown me the importance of making well-informed and strategic choices in managing finances. These experiences have taught me that non-finance managers and business owners can often benefit from expert guidance when it comes to navigating the complex financial landscape. For entrepreneurs seeking to establish and grow their businesses, it's crucial to recognize the significance of financial management and the potential impact it can have on the success of their ventures.

Building Financial Acumen: Crafting a Blueprint for Managers to Drive Successful Finance and Accounting in their Organizations

How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business |

In today's competitive business landscape, it is imperative for managers to possess a strong understanding of finance and accounting principles. The ability to interpret financial data and make informed decisions based on sound financial analysis is crucial for the success of any organization.

To bridge this knowledge gap and empower managers with the necessary financial acumen, a comprehensive blueprint needs to be developed. This blueprint will serve as a guide for managers to enhance their understanding of finance and accounting, enabling them to effectively manage resources and contribute to the overall financial health of the company.

From the basic understanding of financial statements to advanced financial analysis techniques, this blueprint will cover a wide range of topics. As the popular quote states “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, likewise we need to start from somewhere.

As such, first and foremost, it is important to introduce to all Managers the fundamental concepts of finance and accounting, including the principles of financial management, budgeting, and cost analysis.

This foundation will lay the groundwork for more complex financial topics, such as financial planning, investment analysis, and risk management.

Furthermore, the blueprint should focus on developing critical skills in financial decision-making. Managers will learn how to identify key financial indicators, evaluate investment opportunities, and assess the financial viability of various projects. Additionally, they will gain insights into managing working capital, financial forecasting, and creating budgets that align with the company's strategic goals.

The blueprint should also emphasize the importance of effective communication between finance and non-finance professionals. It provides managers with strategies to effectively communicate financial information in a clear and concise manner, ensuring that all stakeholders can understand and contribute to financial discussions.

By following the established respective blueprint by the organization, managers will not only enhance their financial acumen but also become more confident in their ability to make informed financial decisions. With this newfound knowledge, managers will be better equipped to contribute to the financial success of their organizations and drive sustainable growth.

Furthermore, managers will develop a comprehensive understanding of financial statements, budgeting, forecasting, and financial analysis. They will learn how to interpret and utilize financial data to assess the financial health of their organization and identify areas for improvement. 

They will be able to develop strategic financial plans, set realistic financial goals, and effectively allocate resources. By understanding and managing financial risks, managers will be able to protect their organizations against potential financial crises and make more informed decisions to maximize profitability.

In addition, Managers will acquire the ability to effectively communicate financial information to stakeholders. They will be able to present complex financial concepts in a clear and concise manner, enabling them to effectively engage with investors, board members, and other key decision-makers. This enhanced communication skill will not only strengthen their professional relationships but also increase their influence within the organization.

Building on the above, managers will cultivate strong leadership skills through financial acumen by gaining confidence. They will gain a deeper understanding of how financial decisions impact the overall direction and strategy of the organization. This will enable them to provide valuable insights and guidance to their teams, fostering a culture of financial responsibility and accountability. Overall, the expansion of financial acumen will empower managers to drive sustainable growth and contribute to the long-term success of their organizations.

By making informed financial decisions, effectively managing risks, and communicating financial information, managers will become indispensable assets in driving financial success.

For example, a manager who has developed financial acumen through understanding and analyzing financial statements may be able to identify inefficiencies in their organization's budgeting process and recommend cost-saving measures that improve the company's profitability.

The Importance of Financial Literacy and Transparency in Business

Financial literacy and transparency are essential pillars of successful business operations. In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, it is crucial for businesses to possess a deep understanding of financial concepts to make informed decisions and drive growth.

How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business |

Financial literacy enables business leaders to decipher complex financial statements, analyze market trends, and make sound investment choices. It provides them with the tools to assess risks, allocate resources effectively, and strategically plan for the future. Moreover, being financially literate allows entrepreneurs to navigate through economic downturns, manage cash flow efficiently, and adapt their strategies to meet changing market demands.

Financial literacy is not just for accountants or finance managers; it's a critical skill for anyone involved in a business. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, identify and address financial risks, and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

In addition to financial literacy, transparency is paramount in fostering trust and credibility in business transactions. Transparency involves open communication, disclosure of relevant information, and maintaining ethical practices. When businesses operate in a transparent manner, stakeholders such as investors, employees, and customers have access to accurate and reliable information.

This allows them to make informed decisions, assess the financial health of the company, and evaluate its long-term sustainability. Transparency also acts as a safeguard against fraud, corruption, and unethical practices, contributing to the overall integrity of the business environment. 

Financial literacy and transparency go hand in hand, reinforcing each other's importance. A financially literate business that values transparency creates a culture of accountability, ensuring that all financial transactions are conducted with integrity.

It fosters a positive reputation, attracts investment, and enhances the overall competitiveness of the organization.

By equipping themselves with financial knowledge and practicing transparency, businesses can navigate the complexities of the financial realm, mitigate risks, and stay ahead of the competition. Therefore, it is imperative for business leaders to prioritize financial literacy and transparency as fundamental components of their operations. Only through these essential practices can businesses thrive, build sustainable relationships, and achieve long-term success.

Why Should a Company Not Rely on the Finance and Accounting Staff alone to make Finance Decisions?

In this fast-paced business environment, managers need to have a firm grasp on all facets of their organization, including finance and accounting.

Understanding financial statements, interpreting complex financial data, managing cash flow and budgeting, and making informed financial decisions are crucial skills that can significantly impact an organization's profitability.

Financial acumen is not just about knowing the difference between debits and credits. It involves the ability to understand and use financial information to make strategic business decisions.

While finance and accounting staff are essential in any organization, relying solely on them for financial decisions can significantly limit the potential of your business.

Financial decision-making should be a collaborative process, involving different perspectives to achieve the best outcomes.

How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business | MoneyMasterHQ.<br>com

Moreover, non-finance managers who understand financial principles can contribute valuable insights that might otherwise be overlooked.

In this part of the blog, we'll explore why it's important for all managers to be involved in financial decision-making.

Here are a few key points to consider:

1. Limited Perspective:

Finance and accounting professionals tend to have a narrow focus on numbers and financial data given they are focused on completing their job. While this is crucial for financial analysis and reporting, relying solely on their input can limit the organization's perspective.

Whilst numbers may be my love language for 18 plus years, I'd just like to remind everyone that there's more to life than just balancing the books, like tacos and unicorns 🙂

They may not consider broader business aspects, such as market trends, customer preferences, or competitive dynamics, which are essential for making well-rounded financial decisions. While this is crucial for financial analysis and reporting, relying solely on their input can limit the organization's perspective.

2.Lack of Operational Insight:

Finance and accounting staff usually have limited operational experience and may not fully understand how various departments and functions operate within the organization.

This can hinder their ability to make informed financial decisions aligned with the company's strategic goals. Consulting with operational experts, such as department heads or senior managers, can provide valuable insights and ensure financial decisions are aligned with operational realities.

3. Bias towards Cost Reduction:

Finance and accounting professionals often focus on cutting costs, which can lead to short-term financial gains but may compromise long-term growth opportunities.

Overemphasizing cost-cutting measures might hinder investments in innovation, research and development, marketing, or employee training, which are crucial for remaining competitive and driving business growth.

Involving a diverse range of stakeholders in financial decisions can help strike a balance between cost management and strategic investments.

4.Incomplete Risk Assessment:

Finance and accounting staff primarily focus on quantifiable financial risks, such as liquidity, solvency, or market risks.

However, there are numerous non-financial risks, such as reputational, operational, or regulatory risks, that may critically impact the company's performance. Engaging other departments like legal, compliance, or risk management can help in better identifying and assessing these non-financial risks, leading to more comprehensive and robust financial decisions.

5. Limited Innovation and Creativity:

Finance and accounting professionals often follow established financial models and practices. While these frameworks provide a solid foundation, relying solely on them can limit innovation and creativity in financial decision-making.

Inclusion of diverse perspectives, such as those from strategic management, marketing, or technology departments, can bring fresh ideas and insights to drive financial innovation and make forward-thinking decisions. Overall, involving a cross-functional team in financial decision-making can ensure a holistic approach, with an understanding of the bigger picture, operational realities, risk management, and long-term growth prospects. Collaboration between finance, accounting, and other functional areas can lead to better-informed financial decisions that not only support financial stability but also drive overall business success.

What components of finance and accounting should non-financial managers acquire knowledge about and have awareness of within a company?

Non-financial managers should acquire knowledge and have awareness of several key components of finance and accounting within a company.

These components include:

1. Financial Statements:

Non-financial managers should understand the three main financial statements – the balance sheet (also called the Statement of Financial Position), the income statement (also called the Profit and Loss Statement or P&L), and the cash flow statement. These statements provide crucial information about a company's financial performance and help in decision-making.

2. Budgeting and Forecasting:

Understanding the budgeting process and being aware of financial forecasts is essential for non-financial managers. They should participate in budget planning, monitor actual performance against budgeted figures, and contribute to forecasting future financial outcomes.

3. Cost Management:

Non-financial managers should have knowledge of cost accounting to understand how costs are allocated, controlled, and managed within the organization. This includes understanding direct and indirect costs, cost behavior, and cost analysis techniques.

4. Financial Analysis:

Acquiring the ability to analyze financial data and ratios is important for non-financial managers. This includes understanding profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and efficiency ratios to assess a company's financial health at the least.

5. Capital Budgeting:

Non-financial managers should be familiar with capital budgeting techniques to evaluate potential investment projects. They should understand concepts like net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period to assess the feasibility and profitability of investment decisions.

6. Internal Controls:

Having an understanding of internal control systems is crucial for non-financial managers. They should be aware of controls and procedures in place to safeguard company assets, prevent fraud, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

7. Financial Risks

Non-financial managers should have awareness of financial risks and how they can impact the organization. This includes knowledge of interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk, as well as understanding risk mitigation strategies.

8. Taxation:

Having a basic understanding of taxation is important for non-financial managers, as tax considerations can impact financial decisions and cash flows. It includes knowledge of tax liabilities, tax planning opportunities, and compliance requirements.

By acquiring knowledge about these components of finance and accounting, non-financial managers can make informed decisions, effectively communicate with financial professionals, and contribute to the overall financial performance and success of the company.


Improving financial acumen is not an overnight task, but a continuous journey of learning and adaptation. As non-finance managers or business owners, it's important to remember that finance is much more than just numbers on a spreadsheet - it's the lifeblood of your organization, influencing your strategic decisions and overall business trajectory.

With the right knowledge and understanding of financial principles, you can transform your decision-making process, bringing greater value to your role and your organization. You can better comprehend the financial implications of your decisions, assess risks more effectively, and contribute to your company's financial stability and success.

In the end, financial literacy and transparency are not just about having a competitive edge in the market. They're about making informed decisions that foster sustainable growth and long-term success. They're about creating a culture of accountability, where every stakeholder understands their role in the financial health of the company.

If you're a non-finance manager or a business owner looking to enhance your financial acumen, start today. Make use of resources like, engage with financial mentors, and never stop learning. Remember, the journey to financial literacy begins with a single step. So take that step today, and unlock the potential of your organization's financial success.

Let's strive together to make finance less intimidating and more accessible for everyone. Your journey towards financial acumen starts here, and I am with you every step of the way. Let's master money together!

Ready to demystify the world of finance and accounting? Dive into 'Accounting Fundamentals: A Non-Finance Manager's Guide to Finance and Accounting' and transform your understanding of financial and accounting. Whether you're a business owner, manager, or just keen on mastering the essentials, this book is your key to unlocking financial savvy. Don't miss out on this essential Amazon best-selling read. Get your copy now at and take the first step towards financial mastery!

BusinessFinanceBusiness OwnerEntrepreneurNon-FinanceNon-Finance ManagerManagerSmall BusinessOwnerProfessionalBusiness Professional
blog author image

Shihan Sheriff

Shihan Sheriff is the accomplished Chief Financial Officer of Esanjo and VP of Finance at Nomod, a global business and technology powerhouse backed by Y Combinator. Based in Dubai, UAE, Shihan has an impressive educational background, including two MBAs from Torrens University, Australia, and Collège de Paris, France, specializing in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He's a member of global accounting bodies like CIMA, CPA Australia, CGMA, and UAECA. Shihan's commitment to continuous learning is evident as he has completed over 100 online certification courses on diverse subjects and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration. His professional journey spans over 18 years, with more than a decade as a CFO in industries ranging from precious metals to tech startups and hotel management. This extensive experience allows him to provide invaluable insights for readers of his book. Shihan's determination, optimistic attitude, and dedication have seen him rise from Assistant Accountant to CFO and VP of Finance, consistently earning promotions due to superior performance. His personal philosophy, inspired by Persian poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, is centered on self-improvement and aiding others in reaching their goals. Aside from his professional pursuits, Shihan is actively involved in social welfare work, serving previously as Director Secretary and Director of Business Development for the Sri Lankan Business Council in Dubai. He also manages his own publishing company, SS Coaching, LLC, U.S.A. His passion for education inspired him to write a book aiming to enlighten readers on finance and accounting. In his free time, Shihan enjoys family time and watching sports, particularly tennis and cricket. For further details or to connect with Shihan, you can email him at [email protected], visit his website:, or connect on LinkedIn at

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Expanding Financial Acumen: A Guide for Non-Finance Managers |

January 27, 202413 min read


How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business | MoneyMasterHQ.<br>com

Being a Non-Finance Manager, Business Owner, or Entrepreneur, one might be intimidated by the mere thought of complex financial concepts. However, a basic understanding of finance is essential to achieve organizational goals and drive business success. This Blog Post emphasizes how non-financial managers can improve their financial literacy and contribute to their organization's financial success. With the help of valuable tips and reputable finance resources, this Blog Post guides businesses in making informed financial decisions. Mastering financial concepts and maintaining financial acuity is vital for leaders to make sound decisions that safeguard their businesses and propel them towards better returns on investment.

With over 18 years of experience in finance and accounting, including 11+ years as a CFO / VP of Finance, I've had the opportunity to work closely alongside numerous non-finance managers and business owners in various industries. 

Witnessing the consequences of ill-informed financial decisions has shown me the importance of making well-informed and strategic choices in managing finances. These experiences have taught me that non-finance managers and business owners can often benefit from expert guidance when it comes to navigating the complex financial landscape. For entrepreneurs seeking to establish and grow their businesses, it's crucial to recognize the significance of financial management and the potential impact it can have on the success of their ventures.

Building Financial Acumen: Crafting a Blueprint for Managers to Drive Successful Finance and Accounting in their Organizations

How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business |

In today's competitive business landscape, it is imperative for managers to possess a strong understanding of finance and accounting principles. The ability to interpret financial data and make informed decisions based on sound financial analysis is crucial for the success of any organization.

To bridge this knowledge gap and empower managers with the necessary financial acumen, a comprehensive blueprint needs to be developed. This blueprint will serve as a guide for managers to enhance their understanding of finance and accounting, enabling them to effectively manage resources and contribute to the overall financial health of the company.

From the basic understanding of financial statements to advanced financial analysis techniques, this blueprint will cover a wide range of topics. As the popular quote states “The journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step”, likewise we need to start from somewhere.

As such, first and foremost, it is important to introduce to all Managers the fundamental concepts of finance and accounting, including the principles of financial management, budgeting, and cost analysis.

This foundation will lay the groundwork for more complex financial topics, such as financial planning, investment analysis, and risk management.

Furthermore, the blueprint should focus on developing critical skills in financial decision-making. Managers will learn how to identify key financial indicators, evaluate investment opportunities, and assess the financial viability of various projects. Additionally, they will gain insights into managing working capital, financial forecasting, and creating budgets that align with the company's strategic goals.

The blueprint should also emphasize the importance of effective communication between finance and non-finance professionals. It provides managers with strategies to effectively communicate financial information in a clear and concise manner, ensuring that all stakeholders can understand and contribute to financial discussions.

By following the established respective blueprint by the organization, managers will not only enhance their financial acumen but also become more confident in their ability to make informed financial decisions. With this newfound knowledge, managers will be better equipped to contribute to the financial success of their organizations and drive sustainable growth.

Furthermore, managers will develop a comprehensive understanding of financial statements, budgeting, forecasting, and financial analysis. They will learn how to interpret and utilize financial data to assess the financial health of their organization and identify areas for improvement. 

They will be able to develop strategic financial plans, set realistic financial goals, and effectively allocate resources. By understanding and managing financial risks, managers will be able to protect their organizations against potential financial crises and make more informed decisions to maximize profitability.

In addition, Managers will acquire the ability to effectively communicate financial information to stakeholders. They will be able to present complex financial concepts in a clear and concise manner, enabling them to effectively engage with investors, board members, and other key decision-makers. This enhanced communication skill will not only strengthen their professional relationships but also increase their influence within the organization.

Building on the above, managers will cultivate strong leadership skills through financial acumen by gaining confidence. They will gain a deeper understanding of how financial decisions impact the overall direction and strategy of the organization. This will enable them to provide valuable insights and guidance to their teams, fostering a culture of financial responsibility and accountability. Overall, the expansion of financial acumen will empower managers to drive sustainable growth and contribute to the long-term success of their organizations.

By making informed financial decisions, effectively managing risks, and communicating financial information, managers will become indispensable assets in driving financial success.

For example, a manager who has developed financial acumen through understanding and analyzing financial statements may be able to identify inefficiencies in their organization's budgeting process and recommend cost-saving measures that improve the company's profitability.

The Importance of Financial Literacy and Transparency in Business

Financial literacy and transparency are essential pillars of successful business operations. In today's rapidly evolving economic landscape, it is crucial for businesses to possess a deep understanding of financial concepts to make informed decisions and drive growth.

How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business |

Financial literacy enables business leaders to decipher complex financial statements, analyze market trends, and make sound investment choices. It provides them with the tools to assess risks, allocate resources effectively, and strategically plan for the future. Moreover, being financially literate allows entrepreneurs to navigate through economic downturns, manage cash flow efficiently, and adapt their strategies to meet changing market demands.

Financial literacy is not just for accountants or finance managers; it's a critical skill for anyone involved in a business. It empowers individuals to make informed decisions, identify and address financial risks, and communicate effectively with stakeholders.

In addition to financial literacy, transparency is paramount in fostering trust and credibility in business transactions. Transparency involves open communication, disclosure of relevant information, and maintaining ethical practices. When businesses operate in a transparent manner, stakeholders such as investors, employees, and customers have access to accurate and reliable information.

This allows them to make informed decisions, assess the financial health of the company, and evaluate its long-term sustainability. Transparency also acts as a safeguard against fraud, corruption, and unethical practices, contributing to the overall integrity of the business environment. 

Financial literacy and transparency go hand in hand, reinforcing each other's importance. A financially literate business that values transparency creates a culture of accountability, ensuring that all financial transactions are conducted with integrity.

It fosters a positive reputation, attracts investment, and enhances the overall competitiveness of the organization.

By equipping themselves with financial knowledge and practicing transparency, businesses can navigate the complexities of the financial realm, mitigate risks, and stay ahead of the competition. Therefore, it is imperative for business leaders to prioritize financial literacy and transparency as fundamental components of their operations. Only through these essential practices can businesses thrive, build sustainable relationships, and achieve long-term success.

Why Should a Company Not Rely on the Finance and Accounting Staff alone to make Finance Decisions?

In this fast-paced business environment, managers need to have a firm grasp on all facets of their organization, including finance and accounting.

Understanding financial statements, interpreting complex financial data, managing cash flow and budgeting, and making informed financial decisions are crucial skills that can significantly impact an organization's profitability.

Financial acumen is not just about knowing the difference between debits and credits. It involves the ability to understand and use financial information to make strategic business decisions.

While finance and accounting staff are essential in any organization, relying solely on them for financial decisions can significantly limit the potential of your business.

Financial decision-making should be a collaborative process, involving different perspectives to achieve the best outcomes.

How Non-Finance Managers Can Improve Their Financial Acumen & Benefit Their Business | MoneyMasterHQ.<br>com

Moreover, non-finance managers who understand financial principles can contribute valuable insights that might otherwise be overlooked.

In this part of the blog, we'll explore why it's important for all managers to be involved in financial decision-making.

Here are a few key points to consider:

1. Limited Perspective:

Finance and accounting professionals tend to have a narrow focus on numbers and financial data given they are focused on completing their job. While this is crucial for financial analysis and reporting, relying solely on their input can limit the organization's perspective.

Whilst numbers may be my love language for 18 plus years, I'd just like to remind everyone that there's more to life than just balancing the books, like tacos and unicorns 🙂

They may not consider broader business aspects, such as market trends, customer preferences, or competitive dynamics, which are essential for making well-rounded financial decisions. While this is crucial for financial analysis and reporting, relying solely on their input can limit the organization's perspective.

2.Lack of Operational Insight:

Finance and accounting staff usually have limited operational experience and may not fully understand how various departments and functions operate within the organization.

This can hinder their ability to make informed financial decisions aligned with the company's strategic goals. Consulting with operational experts, such as department heads or senior managers, can provide valuable insights and ensure financial decisions are aligned with operational realities.

3. Bias towards Cost Reduction:

Finance and accounting professionals often focus on cutting costs, which can lead to short-term financial gains but may compromise long-term growth opportunities.

Overemphasizing cost-cutting measures might hinder investments in innovation, research and development, marketing, or employee training, which are crucial for remaining competitive and driving business growth.

Involving a diverse range of stakeholders in financial decisions can help strike a balance between cost management and strategic investments.

4.Incomplete Risk Assessment:

Finance and accounting staff primarily focus on quantifiable financial risks, such as liquidity, solvency, or market risks.

However, there are numerous non-financial risks, such as reputational, operational, or regulatory risks, that may critically impact the company's performance. Engaging other departments like legal, compliance, or risk management can help in better identifying and assessing these non-financial risks, leading to more comprehensive and robust financial decisions.

5. Limited Innovation and Creativity:

Finance and accounting professionals often follow established financial models and practices. While these frameworks provide a solid foundation, relying solely on them can limit innovation and creativity in financial decision-making.

Inclusion of diverse perspectives, such as those from strategic management, marketing, or technology departments, can bring fresh ideas and insights to drive financial innovation and make forward-thinking decisions. Overall, involving a cross-functional team in financial decision-making can ensure a holistic approach, with an understanding of the bigger picture, operational realities, risk management, and long-term growth prospects. Collaboration between finance, accounting, and other functional areas can lead to better-informed financial decisions that not only support financial stability but also drive overall business success.

What components of finance and accounting should non-financial managers acquire knowledge about and have awareness of within a company?

Non-financial managers should acquire knowledge and have awareness of several key components of finance and accounting within a company.

These components include:

1. Financial Statements:

Non-financial managers should understand the three main financial statements – the balance sheet (also called the Statement of Financial Position), the income statement (also called the Profit and Loss Statement or P&L), and the cash flow statement. These statements provide crucial information about a company's financial performance and help in decision-making.

2. Budgeting and Forecasting:

Understanding the budgeting process and being aware of financial forecasts is essential for non-financial managers. They should participate in budget planning, monitor actual performance against budgeted figures, and contribute to forecasting future financial outcomes.

3. Cost Management:

Non-financial managers should have knowledge of cost accounting to understand how costs are allocated, controlled, and managed within the organization. This includes understanding direct and indirect costs, cost behavior, and cost analysis techniques.

4. Financial Analysis:

Acquiring the ability to analyze financial data and ratios is important for non-financial managers. This includes understanding profitability ratios, liquidity ratios, solvency ratios, and efficiency ratios to assess a company's financial health at the least.

5. Capital Budgeting:

Non-financial managers should be familiar with capital budgeting techniques to evaluate potential investment projects. They should understand concepts like net present value (NPV), internal rate of return (IRR), and payback period to assess the feasibility and profitability of investment decisions.

6. Internal Controls:

Having an understanding of internal control systems is crucial for non-financial managers. They should be aware of controls and procedures in place to safeguard company assets, prevent fraud, and ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.

7. Financial Risks

Non-financial managers should have awareness of financial risks and how they can impact the organization. This includes knowledge of interest rate risk, foreign exchange risk, credit risk, and liquidity risk, as well as understanding risk mitigation strategies.

8. Taxation:

Having a basic understanding of taxation is important for non-financial managers, as tax considerations can impact financial decisions and cash flows. It includes knowledge of tax liabilities, tax planning opportunities, and compliance requirements.

By acquiring knowledge about these components of finance and accounting, non-financial managers can make informed decisions, effectively communicate with financial professionals, and contribute to the overall financial performance and success of the company.


Improving financial acumen is not an overnight task, but a continuous journey of learning and adaptation. As non-finance managers or business owners, it's important to remember that finance is much more than just numbers on a spreadsheet - it's the lifeblood of your organization, influencing your strategic decisions and overall business trajectory.

With the right knowledge and understanding of financial principles, you can transform your decision-making process, bringing greater value to your role and your organization. You can better comprehend the financial implications of your decisions, assess risks more effectively, and contribute to your company's financial stability and success.

In the end, financial literacy and transparency are not just about having a competitive edge in the market. They're about making informed decisions that foster sustainable growth and long-term success. They're about creating a culture of accountability, where every stakeholder understands their role in the financial health of the company.

If you're a non-finance manager or a business owner looking to enhance your financial acumen, start today. Make use of resources like, engage with financial mentors, and never stop learning. Remember, the journey to financial literacy begins with a single step. So take that step today, and unlock the potential of your organization's financial success.

Let's strive together to make finance less intimidating and more accessible for everyone. Your journey towards financial acumen starts here, and I am with you every step of the way. Let's master money together!

Ready to demystify the world of finance and accounting? Dive into 'Accounting Fundamentals: A Non-Finance Manager's Guide to Finance and Accounting' and transform your understanding of financial and accounting. Whether you're a business owner, manager, or just keen on mastering the essentials, this book is your key to unlocking financial savvy. Don't miss out on this essential Amazon best-selling read. Get your copy now at and take the first step towards financial mastery!

BusinessFinanceBusiness OwnerEntrepreneurNon-FinanceNon-Finance ManagerManagerSmall BusinessOwnerProfessionalBusiness Professional
blog author image

Shihan Sheriff

Shihan Sheriff is the accomplished Chief Financial Officer of Esanjo and VP of Finance at Nomod, a global business and technology powerhouse backed by Y Combinator. Based in Dubai, UAE, Shihan has an impressive educational background, including two MBAs from Torrens University, Australia, and Collège de Paris, France, specializing in Data Science and Artificial Intelligence. He's a member of global accounting bodies like CIMA, CPA Australia, CGMA, and UAECA. Shihan's commitment to continuous learning is evident as he has completed over 100 online certification courses on diverse subjects and is currently pursuing a Doctorate in Business Administration. His professional journey spans over 18 years, with more than a decade as a CFO in industries ranging from precious metals to tech startups and hotel management. This extensive experience allows him to provide invaluable insights for readers of his book. Shihan's determination, optimistic attitude, and dedication have seen him rise from Assistant Accountant to CFO and VP of Finance, consistently earning promotions due to superior performance. His personal philosophy, inspired by Persian poet Jalāl ad-Dīn Muhammad Rūmī, is centered on self-improvement and aiding others in reaching their goals. Aside from his professional pursuits, Shihan is actively involved in social welfare work, serving previously as Director Secretary and Director of Business Development for the Sri Lankan Business Council in Dubai. He also manages his own publishing company, SS Coaching, LLC, U.S.A. His passion for education inspired him to write a book aiming to enlighten readers on finance and accounting. In his free time, Shihan enjoys family time and watching sports, particularly tennis and cricket. For further details or to connect with Shihan, you can email him at [email protected], visit his website:, or connect on LinkedIn at

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About the Author & CEO/Founder of MoneyMasterHQ / SS Coaching, LLC

Shihan Sheriff is a multiple time Amazon best-selling. Shihan Sheriff is an accomplished CFO at Esanjo and VP of Professional Services at Nomod, a Y Combinator-backed global business based in Dubai, U.A.E. With over 18 years of experience in finance and accounting, Shihan's expertise spans multiple industries. He is a multiple-time Amazon best-selling, international award winning author including a Bronze Medal winner at the IPPY Awards 2024.

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